Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Yes your pets need nutrition, food supplements, balanced diet, energy to feel well, energized for general wellbeing..vitamins & minerals like humans!

I came across some good news for worried pet owners..the answers to my questions re my dog's nutrition, energy and wellbeing came timely when reading the text below.

I love to share this with you.

Source: http://www.myultimatepet.com

An excerpt from the 'source website' reads the following truths: [Quote]

"Rejeneril FP® contains many nutrients crucial to maintaining not only proper nutrition and health, but also to maintaining general quality of life as your pet ages or faces a diffcult disease or treatment.

This supplement allows your pet to reach and maintain an optimum level of health and well-being. Through its unique actions, Rejeneril FP® will help to eliminate the deficiencies and weaknesses that can contribute to the development of serious illness and aging.

Aside from premature aging, numerous diseases involve metabolic dysfunction (i.e. ischemia/stroke, cancer). Rejeneril FP® has been shown to alter metabolic function by increasing cellular energy and acts as a powerful antioxidant to block the toxic byproducts (free radicals) of a dysfunctional metabolism.

“In a 2009 study (Sudheesh et al.), researchers demonstrated the ability of Rejeneril FP® to enhance metabolism at the mitochondria, which is the key to its
physiological effectiveness”.

© Copyright 2011 UltimatePet: All rights reserved"

This blogpost is published by courtesy of: Johan Sandstrom, BComm.

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