Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sandcastle Bowling and Eatery Bar & Grill, South Surrey-White Rock:; Wel...

Going bowling at the Sandcastle Lanes and for a good tender and well prepared meal with the significant person in company do visit Onyx Steak House on Johnston Road and Pearl Restaurant on Marine Drive, White Rock. BC

White Rock Canadian Artist Irma Bijdemast @ "Five Corners" with Her Arti...

Born in Holland and raised in Victoria and Vancouver BC and today a resident of the Surrey District
White Rock and Panorama Ridge of the Lower Mainland...colourful , extreme and inventive acrylic paintings...exhibited and sold in USA, Canada and Europe.
Email: irmabijdemast@shaw,ca

Polka And Money-- Oh Happiness!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Part 2 of 2 of EPCOR Briefing to Media "White Rock Water Advisory" conti... | August 25, 2010
Fire chief Lemire and Mayor Ferguson and Dr. E. Brodkin, MD. Fraser Health and David Rector EPCOR , Director 'Water and Wastewater Services Canada' called to briefing to review situation of the alarming signs of showing contaminants in White Rock water supply servicing residents of the community.

EPCOR's David Rector in Briefing to Media on "White Rock Boil Water Adv...

August 25, 2010
Present at this special announced meeting and briefing were besides representatives of national and local media press, television and local media and PAN and the Surrey Now and Source Newspapers; Mr. Philip Lemire Fire chief , Mayor Cathrine Ferguson, Community of White Rock, Dr. Elizabeth Brodkin,MD. Health Officer for Fraser Health BC,and Dir, EPCOR's Mr. David Rector, Dir, 'Water & Wastewater Services Canada' leading the brieifng in White Rock, 25th Aug 2010..

This information here being the part one of two on this channel to claify the situation for media and its audiences the important developments with regard to the White Rock Water Utility and water quality debacle which now is into its second week forcing residents and visitors in White Rock to boil their otherwise and usually excellent natural potable drinking water,,,

It may be noted that voices are already heard about the fact one may contemplate to propose chlorinated water for White idea and proposal which would meet with strong opposition from the majority of residents of White Rock.

From a bacteriological and health point of view it is understood that the relevant six wells and their well-heads in use for extraction of and distribution of the water to the two reservoirs in White Rock, seemingly shows no signs of being contaminated, but one of the reservoirs does in testing show signs of microorganisms and to a degree contaminated and a risk factor which must be eliminated so the health risk factor can be removed totally. Nobody wish to cause illness and disease.

This in itself indicates that the briefing stated it may take another full week from today before the waterborne disease risk is removed and eliminated and thus water boil advisory will be prolonged and in effect for the time being.

The word is out: "Continue to Boil your water as directed until further notice"
Fraser Health is together with personnel of EPCOR is monitoring the awkward situation for the population in White Rock and its business community.