Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Candace Hill, National Health Federation Canada, Western Exec. Director

Speaking on issues related to 'performance' record of Health Canada, including mention of raids and abuse...Candace Hill is not mincing her words but rather outspoken about the fact she and the members she works with as a team 'have got enough' of 'unwarranted controversial events and harassment' and this is not the time to dither and procrastinate. The issues at hand and at stake and on the agenda to find their ultimate solutions and 'clean up in the barnyard are imperative to have implemented....

I was given the privilege to interview Mrs. Hill 23 Nov. 2010 prior to her travel to a trade show in Toronto and to see colleagues of hers in the national organisation she represent; the western division of the National Health Federation Canada; today being a part of and connected to the International Health Federation with ist seat and headquarter in USA and established in 1955; the major body of assembly of 9 countriesand counting memberships in 20 member-countries.

For more details and contact persons; 'membership enrollments' and 'fundraising locally and regionally' plese contact www.thenhf.com


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