Monday, May 25, 2009

Non-Smoking By-Law in White Rock a 'Paper Tiger'

My Letter to the Mayor of White Rock, BC and its Council, dated 24th May 2009.

Why can some establishments on Marine Drive get away with 'allowing smoking' on their patios?

Time for change to the most sensible solution!

Who is in Charge of the implementation of and enforcing of the 'non-smoking' by-law for White Rock proper??

Today it is May 24 Sun. 2009

By-Laws, per se, are 'Paper Tigers' if they are not enforced and practiced, adhered to, by the public or property
owners and by those hospitality establishments they [by-laws] are also to govern.

The Smoking By-Laws as proposed initially [by some overly purist and zealous councilor] and now in effect and to be duly enforced is getting a 'failing grade'. There are too many parts of the City of White Rock that many, many laugh at.

As sensational it was from the get go that White Rock boosted its [legal actions against smokers] being the most stringent in our BC Province and ranking as a first to limit freedom for a populous group of smokers [nicotine addicts] as ridiculous is it to realize there is no enforcement in place [to harvest fines, dole out warning tickets or whatever].

To the Mayor and city Council I must say: 'What's this all about? Was your decision 'election goodies for the few in the pew' or were you thinking only half way of the practical implications and education needed to be in place to further your lecturing ambitions for our seemingly so far healthy society of citizens of White Rock..

You should know that 'Smoking is out! and that 'Not to Smoke' is very much IN by most of our population.

Months after this crucial attempt on the part of the White Rock Council and its former Mayor to 'educate and restrict the public [including the visiting tourists] on health issues' the writer of this can only conclude the bylaw and its lack of 'power to be enforced' is redundant, failed and is a 'Paper Tiger' merely as is adding to the increase in costs for the taxpayers and a nuisance to the public at large.

If enforced I am of the opinion the non-smoking by-law should apply to all and not just those establishments who have selected to abide by the laws of our community. For instance and only as an example, let me point to the ridiculous inconsistency in formulation of the mentioned by-law as pertaining to the health of non-smokers or smokers and their infants and teen age children.

There is no 'rhyme and reason' in a by-law being enforced outside the premises of any hospitality and restaurant or entertaining establishment which businesses need both rely upon its capacity to cater to both non-smokers and smokers as a visiting guest group. And this to maintain service to all and thus is a business establishment to cater to a guest clientele which now by the by-law is inconvenienced.

It doesn't call for a rocket scientist or a degree as a PhD in social sciences to figure out the obvious character of the environment the by-law should be adequately functioning within and the environments realistic to serve best in; i.e. inside facilities, the interior of buildings of any category.

Consider the street level concentrations of the 'volatile organic gases', carbon-dioxide and many more pollutants from the exhausts delivered by motor driven vehicles coasting back and forth on streets like Marine Drive, 152nd Street and from cars and truck traffic on any other of our Avenues, uptown or on the seaside of White Rock.

Consequently [unless the City is going to ban cars on our main drags] I beg to differ with those in the city who approved the non-smoking by-law to apply to patios, and decided it was and is an intelligent decision to include the 'last resort' for smokers; the patios, verandas also being 'off-limits' for smokers
[What about the beverages consumed on same patios attached to the pub buildings and restaurant building envelopes?

Beer and booze may be 'healthy organic' source but still it's not less addictive than smoking. Of course this is in a general perspective of the issues touched upon here. but requires another chapter.]

In Europe and in North America I have seen signs reading:

"Welcome to our restaurant, pub and grill. For health and comfort concerns for all our guests & employees we ask you and your party not to smoke inside our premises. Thank you" Signed: The Management.

Pretty smart idea, eh? It's all about marketing!!
Compliance need to start with education for cooperation.

And by the way. Who is assigned the responsibility of making sure no smoking takes place on the patio of the Sandpiper Pub, as an example? Some smokers drew my attention to this popular venue.

Or for that matter on any patio like .... Wings, Giraffe, Cielo, Italian Touch, Frond's Bistro, Iquana, The Pier, the BoatHouse, West Beach Bistro and Cosmos to mention a few??

I attach no photos for proof.
Go and see for yourselves.
Really, it looks ridiculous.

The work and good public relations desired on the part of all is taking a beating and is challenged by your lack of experience to have insight in this issue and situation.

Did you ask any of the patio owners before you decided to include compliance also for patios? Are there exceptions to the rule?

Make White Rock famous for 'the good things' that are, or to come. And not for the 'negatives'. Since you have no designated authority to whome should be enfocing the by-law

Of course, this only if you wish to polish and improve your somewhat dented or tampered with and roughed up image, caused by other organizations and events pertaining to the businesses of White Rock, your involvement and its public and merchants.

Respectfully I am hoping to notice some tangible results and action on your part after you've read the above.
Johan Sandstrom, -non-smoker- White Rock [I quit smoking April 1, 1997]

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