Friday, April 3, 2009

Don't You Worry About YouTube Owned by Google!

In the midst of global financial economic crisis one can read:

" Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) could lose nearly half a billion dollars operating online video site YouTube Inc. over the course of 2009, according to a research report issued by Credit Suisse ."

Conclusively and against all sense and balance I wrote this, the following, to an influential friend of mine. This with the hope he would respond and tell me he too shared my more optimistic agenda than what Banque Credit Suisse claim to be theirs.
I'm now looking for more tea leaves to be able to complete my 'fortune-sigh' for YouTube.
I guess what I'm saying is that it's anybody's guess what may be in the cards for YouTube.

Subject: YouTube in the tank already? No, not so, not at all. Monetizing process underway..will gain revenues in billions 2010. Rich, super rich, mega rich parent footing the bills.

Hi Johan here, Please let me know if you share my assumption

The rumors that YouTube stands to have a total loss at end of 2009 of about::: $470M is grossly exaggerated and built on insignificant data and analysis made by pipe-dreamers. It's all in the grand plan.

Do I think YouTube provided services, hosting, will be 'kosten los' without costs in the future? No! I think the parent company [Google] the owner will impose some sort of charge, fee for everyone of us using its hosting services.

This rumor was born on the date of First of April ; April 1st joke! I am sure. Or did it come out from the Economic Summit in London this week. Don't tell me you think BO is part of a conspiracy. I love the guy, he is an 'on-line person' almost.

Media is loving the hype about YouTube 'cause it is truly a consumer-friendly service' and does bridge the culture gaps between nations and people and creates a knowledge based chain of intellectual information exchange and education in so many ways.

No wonders so many ill-fated organization like to see YouTube to go into the tank of oblivion and never to come back.
Many organizations are sitting ducks and ready to take over this giant Google created and this for no other benefit than their own to own..

I am amazed that media and pundits do reign in their various territories and love to 'rattle the cage and wake up the slumbering dragon' for no other reason than to bolster their egos.

Be well YouTube !
There is always a sun behind the clouds.

Johan Sandstrom, BComm.

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