Sunday, August 8, 2010

So Called "Smart Meters" unprecedented Flaws and Alarming Functions. Scrap the idea and their presence in our homes.

"Dear Mr. Horgan and Mrs. Karagianis,
Please find yet another article about the Smart Meter's problems. The writer of this one is primarily concerned with security. According to experts who have tested and reviewed the meters have found that power can be controlled in a manner which could allow electricity to be shut off for one home, cutting off alarm systems, etc. Truly, the Smart Meters have so many problems that consideration of wireless types should be stopped.

I ask that you to forward this information to the people at BC Hydro, or other agencies, as I am forwarding it to hundreds of people across the province.
Sharon Noble"

This is clear evidence 'something is going on' which the public doesn't know about ...yet!

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